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On the job Training

Elevate TH Staffing, along with government and business partners in Oakland, Sacramento and San Jose, CA, and DeKalb County, GA (Atlanta Metro), is using On-the-Job Training (OJT) programs to help reduce the number of people out-of-work and on welfare develop their skills and stimulate businesses' growth in spite of a tough economy. The various Workforce Investment Boards know that aiding businesses during these harsh times is the key to local economic recovery and therefore uses funding received through the U.S. federal government's Workforce Investment Act (WIA) to provide assistance.

These federal dollars partially reimburse employers for the wages paid during a pre-determined training period. As a result, Elevate is able to offer its services to OJT participating clients at a discounted rate.

Thousands of residents in numerous municipalities have been placed in jobs through nationally funded OJT programs, thereby reducing government assistance while promoting self-reliance, economic sustainability and self-pride. This is just one of the many ways that WIA funding is impacting the lives of our country's residents.

To qualify for this program, participants must have been receiving some level of government services (e.g. individual career planning, and unemployment insurance), be a dislocated worker or be a veteran. OJT offers individuals a chance to develop new marketable job skills that makes him or her a more competitive member of the workforce, all while earning a paycheck.

Overall, people return to work with new skills, are removed from federally subsidized programs and return as proud and productive members of the community.

This program also allows employers to grow in a difficult economy by obtaining temporary training subsidies. In these ways, federal funding is working successfully to create more job opportunities for local workforces.

To participate, employers and job seekers can contact Elevate TH Staffing at (678) 663-7843 OR
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